Last updated: September 10, 2019

Please read these Terms and Conditions ("Terms", "Terms and Conditions") carefully before using the Blaze website and the Blaze mobile application (the "Service") operated by us.

Your access to and use of the Service is conditioned on your acceptance of and compliance with these Terms. These Terms apply to all visitors, users and others who access or use the Service.

By accessing or using the Service you agree to be bound by these Terms. If you disagree with any part of the Terms then you may not access the Service.

No children

Blaze is only for people 18 years old and over. By using Blaze, you affirm that you are over 18. If we learn someone under 18 is using Blaze, we’ll terminate their account.

Your health

The use of our Service is at your own risk.

In any case a condition for the use of the Blaze Service is that you must be in a good general state of health. If you have knowledge of any pre-existing medical conditions we advise you to seek medical advice from a doctor urgently before you start the Blaze Service (such as trainings or coachings). This applies in particular if you have knowledge of one or more of the following medical complaints/conditions/procedures: (i) cardiovascular disease, (ii) lung or respiratory disease (including asthma), (iii), spinal and/or joint problems, (iv) neuromuscular disease, (v) surgical procedures, (vi) any other health issues.

In addition our female athletes should note that pregnant women and breast-feeding mothers should not do the trainings and coachings offered by us.

The following general rules apply: Listen to what your body is telling you. Before using the our Service, if you have any doubts about your health (e.g. because you are experiencing considerable pain, a general malaise, shortness of breath, nausea or dizziness) consult your doctor before starting or continuing with our Service.

No substitute for medical advice

The service and information offered by our Service do not constitute medical advice or a doctor's advice. Nor are they a substitute for a medical examination or treatment by a doctor.

Training-/dietary methods

Fitness and/or nutritional advice is subject to constantly evolving knowledge in relation to health science, nutritional science and sports science. Although we base our trainings and nutritional tips on current studies and knowledge, we do not guarantee that these reflect the most up to date research findings or knowledge.


If you find a security vulnerability on Blaze, tell us. We are available under security@blaze-fitness.de.

User registration

When registering via mobile apps, the formation of the user contract depends on the rules of the app store supplier (for example Apple, Google, etc.). The contract is generally formed when you click on the "Install" field in the relevant app store and, where necessary, enter your password in question. Please note that in order to use the Blaze Service it is still necessary to open a cost-free user account with us via the Blaze app. On registration we will ask you to accept these General Terms and Conditions and our privacy policy. After you register, for security reasons we will first send you an email in which we ask you to verify the registration by clicking on the "Confirm account" field. Only then will the registration process be complete.


Statutory provisions apply to claims due to defective Service. Your consumer rights remain unaffected in any case.

We do not make any representations or guarantees that the use of the Blaze Service will bring the training- or other result intended by you. We do not promise a concrete success. Also, the actual training result will depend on factors which cannot be influenced, such as, for example, physical disposition and preconditions. Consequently, results may vary strongly between individuals despite the same use of the Blaze Service.

Insofar as you are provided with guides or instructions in connection with the Blaze Service it is imperative that you follow them. Otherwise you risk being injured and your general health. Insofar as you use equipment or training tools it is your responsibility to ensure that such equipment and tools are in good working condition and installed and/or set up properly.

For Service provided free of charge, we will be liable, regardless of the legal basis, exclusively for damage due to willful conduct or gross negligence or the absence of a guaranteed feature. Our liability is not limited for willful misconduct. In the event of gross negligence or the absence of a guaranteed feature our liability is limited to reasonable, foreseeable damage. Otherwise, our liability is excluded.

Rights of use

The Service we offer contains content which is protected by copyright or otherwise and we hold the respective rights. We grant you a non-exclusive and non-transferable right to use this content in a non-commercial form within the scope of the contractual provisions. Purely for the avoidance of doubt we draw your attention to the fact that in particular distributing our content or making it publicly available, e.g. on websites other than the Blaze website, is not permitted. The right of use will lapse when your access to the respective service is no longer enabled or when your user contract ends.

Ending the contract

You have the right to cancel your user account at any time, without stating any reasons, thereby also ending your user contract. To do this you simply have to write us an email to cancel@blaze-fitness.de. Please note that after you have cancelled your user account we will or may delete all the content and training results that you added, and you will no longer have access to content that you already purchased. If at the time of deleting your account you still have a current subscription or have booked an additional service that has not yet expired, any sum that you have already paid will not be refunded, not even on a pro rata basis.

We are entitled to cancel the user contract without stating any reasons by giving two (2) weeks' written notice, but no earlier than at the end of the minimum contractual Term or at the end of the respective renewal period of your subscription and/or at the end of the Term of any additional service for which you have paid a one-off fee.

Cancellation for good cause

The right to cancel for good cause remains unaffected in the case of either party. In particular we are entitled to cancel your user contract or your subscription with immediate effect, and to cancel your user account, if you seriously or repeatedly breach the provisions of the user contract and/or these General Terms and Conditions, or if you are in arrears with your payment obligations.

Personal data

We process your personal data in accordance with our privacy policy; you can always retrieve the current version of these at privacy policy. In particular these data protection provisions govern and explain the extent to which your personal data can be seen by other users and what options you have for controlling its disclosure to other users.


We can change these Terms at any time. If a change is material, we’ll let you know before they take effect. By using Blaze on or after that effective date, you agree to the new Terms. If you don’t agree to them, you should delete your account before they take effect, otherwise your use of the website and app will be subject to the new Terms.

Applicable law

The relationship between the parties is governed exclusively by German law under exclusion of the UN Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (CISG). In relation to business transactions with consumers within the European Union, the law of the consumer’s place of residence may also be applicable where such law contains consumer law provisions that it is mandatory to apply.

Place of jurisdiction

If you do not have a place of general jurisdiction in Germany or in another EU Member State, or if you have moved your permanent place of residence to a country outside the EU after these General Terms and Conditions have entered into effect, or if your permanent place of residence or usual place of residence at the time the complaint is filed is not known, then the exclusive place of jurisdiction for all disputes arising from this contract will be our place of business.

Contact us

If you have any questions about these Terms, please contact us under info@blaze-fitness.de.